- Art-Science-Dance projects
- CorpusMedia (en)
- info Monster
- K. Danse
- Kontact
- Legal notice
- Mediation
- Metabody_Toulouse
- News
- Productions
- Sitemap
- The Company
- Transdisciplinary platform
- verification
Posts by category
- Category: Actualités
- F_AI_L news
- Common Beauty news
- Focale-Z infos
- Focal-Z news
- Focal-Z news
- Focal_Z news
- RCO news
- Immortal(s) news
- Myselves news
- Maraya Arrouh news
- ROUE news
- Gameplay Level2 news
- D(is)T-D(ance) news
- *MAGH news
- Metabody_Toulouse 2020 news
- BodyFail news
- RCO remixed – VR project news
- RCO (Radical Choreographic Object) news
- 2 Pandores news
- Outdoor productions news
- BodyFail news
- Narcissus Reflected news
- Residency Bogliasco news
- Other recent news
- Category: News
- Metabody_Toulouse 2024 : BODYNET-KHOROS
- My Favorite Things 2024
- Common Beauty 2024
- Touring arts works
- Ada ArtEina
- F_AI_L
- Metabody_Toulouse 2023 : BODYNET-KHOROS
- Performance - installation - workshop Focal-Z
- Immortal(s)
- Maraya Arrouh
- Metabody_Toulouse 2022 : BODYNET-KHOROS
- Dancing with Gods
- Immortelle(s)
- ANDS project
- Dance and Tales
- Metabody_Toulouse 2021
- RCO lunaire - La Lune et au-delà OL
- D(is)T-D(ance)
- Gameplay Level2
- On line disalignment - Strange intimacy
- Metabody_Toulouse 2020
- Common beauty
- Krâne
- Two Pandoras
- Theoretical texts and Interviews
- Metabody_Toulouse 2019
- *Magh
- International projects
- Merce Cunningham 100 ans
- conférence "Danse avec le numérique"
- 3 Ravens
- Site specific piece
- Formation Danse et Technologies numériques
- touring dates
- Myselves
- Metabody_Toulouse 2018
- Metabody_Toulouse 2018
- contact
- RCO Remixed
- RCO site specific, The Moon and beyond OL
- K. Danse
- 4 areas of activity
- artistic directors
- associated artists
- press - prizes
- Tactile Sensations
- The artistic project
- digital interactive tools
- Narcissus Reflected
- BodyFail
- Metabody_Toulouse 2017
- papers, articles, mentions
- Metaphorá
- (In)tact
- Monster
- Metabody_Toulouse 2016
- Errance (Variations on the labyrinth)
- Fées³
- Workshops - description
- My favorite things
- Numerik Danse
- WhoLoDancE
- Metabody_Toulouse 2015
- Presentations
- Conferences
- Metabody International Forum
- Errance
- A fleur de peau
- The Tiger's Bride
- Echo Room (en)
- Metabody_Toulouse 2014
- Performances and Workshops 2014
- Performances workshops Central America
- The Tiger's bride
- Tactile Sensations
- Echo Room
- Para_site
- Lovely user
- Metabody_Toulouse 2013
- Vecteurs Rêve
- Workshop Inter(action) dance and digital media
- The Human rights
- Dialogues en traverses
- Game(s)
- Metamorphose(s)
- Fées³ St Jean d'Alcas
- Video In Medias Res
- Cygnus X 1 (en)
- CorpusMedia 2012
- In Medias Res (en)
- In Medias Res (en)
- Crâne
- Périple au Majorat
- CorpusMedia 2007-2012
- Workshop "Inter(actions)"
- CorpusMedia 2011
- Tactile Sensations outdoors
- The k project
- CorpusMedia 2010
- Gameplay
- Genesis 3:16
- Danse e-toile (en)
- Rebus
- Délices
- Waste in Lauzerte
- Dance and new media / school children
- Dance in graduate schools
- Dance in secondary schools
- Dance in primary schools
- Dance in nursery schools
- Dance for disabled children
- Yo aqui estoy (en)
- Night Screen
- Doubles (en)
- Identity-Distr(action)
- Casablanca (en)
- Caracas (en)
- Journey in Nuzejouls
- Fronter@ (en)
- Danse et toile (en)
- Danse tracking2
- Danse tracking1
- Motion Capture
- Motion capture Icare
- Dance with video
- Dance with sensors
- Hip hop multimedia
- Icare Ecart (en)
- By heart (en)
- Rémanence in situ (en)
- Périple
- Périple dans l'espace
- Sounds of the body
- Temps caché
- Corps Accords
- L'echo de la toile
- Indus and Europa
- Other early works 1979-1988
Project Categories
- 4 areas of activity
- Action internationale
- Art-Science projects
- Artistic and Research projects
- artistic directors
- associated artists
- calendrier de tournées
- Community artistic work
- Conferences-round tables-presentations
- contact
- CorpusMedia euroregional project
- Dance and digital arts workshops
- Dance performances and digital arts
- Dance performances and interactive digital arts
- digital interactive tools
- Interactive installations
- International
- International projects
- Mediation
- Metabody european project
- Metabody_Toulouse platform
- newcategorytest EN
- News
- On tour
- Performances
- Performances with young audiences
- press-prizes
- Productions
- Productions for young audiences
- Public space
- Publications
- Repertory
- Research
- Spectacles en diffusion
- Tele presence
- Textes théoriques
- The artistic project
- The Company
- Theoretical texts and Interviews
- Touring arts works
- touring dates
- VR
- VR
- VR
- WhoLoDance european project
- Workshops +